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台北縣新莊市大眾爺廟(地藏庵)研究The Study of People''s Spritual Support (Ti-Zang Temple) in Shin-Chuang City of Tiapei County
The Study of People''s Spritual Support (Ti-Zang Temple) in Shin-Chuang City of Tiapei County
從傳統的農業至今,新莊市大眾爺廟信仰雖不是唯一的選擇,卻是許多信眾世代相傳的信仰廟宇,也是常民文化裡不可忽視的一個廟宇。許多人可能終其一生,都不曾去探索新莊市大眾爺廟信仰所蘊含的深層意義,也不一定對膜拜的神衹源流作過詳細的考證,這一切對信眾而言或許是多餘的課題,只要虔誠的默禱便可達神、人相歡的最高境界。為了向自己心目中的守護神表達敬意,本人看到許多善男子、善女人,可以早晚都徒步於新莊大眾爺廟誦經朝拜,他們虔誠的心,不是求自己的榮華富貴,更不想自己的加官晉爵,只願闔家平安,就心滿意足。   社會的變遷,多元化信仰廟宇如雨後春筍般到處林立,新莊市大眾爺廟信仰也面臨一定程度的挑戰,但從每年投入的大量人力、物力所舉辨的新莊市大眾爺廟慶典活動,似乎看不出信眾對此廟的信仰有所動搖。或許新莊市大眾爺廟文武大眾爺聖誕舉行的「暗訪」、「遶境」慶典及地藏王誕辰的「延壽法會」、「超度法會」活動,為主要吸引信徒的原因。許多信眾年年參加新莊市大眾爺,廟文武大眾爺聖誕的「暗訪」、「遶境」慶典後,仍意猶未盡地希冀這種凝聚地方人心的慶典活動,能夠年年舉辨,讓這種深具教化意義的廟會慶典活動,能對當今的世道人心有更積極的裨益。信徒如此內心的期盼,也正是本論文真正的意涵,以及對新莊市大眾爺廟信仰的踵切展望。   本論文共分五章。第壹章為緒論;第貳章、新莊市大眾爺廟之沿革與現況;第参章、新莊市大眾爺廟之冥界與佛道諸神;第肆章、新莊市大眾爺廟之祭典與文化;第伍章是結論。
From traditional agriculture to the present, although the temple faith of the new masses, grandfather of village city is not the only choice, but it is a lot of letter all pass on from generation to generation that believe in temple is the people culture can’t be ignored a temple often too. Perhaps a lot of people never go to explore the deep meaning in which the faith of the temple of the new masses grandfather of village city contain throughout one’s life, uncertain too that has done the detailed textual criticism to spirit only source and course of prostrating oneself. All these are all to the letter and perhaps the speech is surplus subjects, so long as pious praying in silence can reach joyous supreme realms of God, people. In order to express the compliments to the patron saint in one’s own mind. I see a lot of good man, kind woman, cant chant scriptures and pay homage to in the new grandfather of Volkswagen of village temple on foot in morning and evening, Their pious heart, do not ask one’s own high position and great wealth, does not want the one’s own one to be promoted to a higher office and rank even more, only wish the entire family to be safe, perfectly contented. The changes of the society, believe in the temple to stand in great numbers everywhere like the mushrooms after rain in pluralism. The faith of the temple of the new masses, grandfather of village city faces the challenge of a certain degree, but the celebration activity of the temple of new masses, grandfather of village city distinguished that a large amount of manpower, material resources invested from every year lift too. It seems that not finding out the letter, all faith to this temple waver to some extent. Perhaps the new civil and military grandfather of masses of Volkswagen’s grandfather’s temple of village market held on Christmas “investigate secretly”. It wind celebration and ground the Tibetan king birthday one can lengthen the life by law, border, release souls from purgatory law know activity. In order to attract the reason of the believer mainly, a lot of letters are all to participate in the new masses, grandfather of village city every year, it is civil and military in temple investigate secretly Christmas such as grandfather such as masses, wind by border, have not given full expression to the views to hope after celebration there aren’t this kind still can lift and distinguish every year, let this kind have a temple fair celebration activity which enlightens the meaning by education deeply, can have more positive benefits to the current manners and morals of the time heart expectation of believer’s such heart. It is exactly meaning with real thesis too, and cut and look into the distance to the heel of the faith of the temple of the new masses, grandfather of village city. This thesis divides into five chapters altogether. Chapter one: the introduction, chapter two: the evolution in the temple of new masses, grandfather of village city and present situation, chapter three: new masses, grandfather of village city are a spirit of dark circle and Buddha in the temple, chapter four: the new Volkswagen’s grandfather’s temple of village city one holds a memorial ceremony for allusion quotation and culture, chapter five: a co