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農村水圳景觀變遷與意義之研究—以彰化縣八堡圳為例Landscape Change and Meanings of Rural Canal-- Using Changhua Pa Pao Chun as a Case Study Landscape Change and Meanings of Rural Canal - Using Changhua Pa Pao Chun as a Case Study

Landscape Change and Meanings of Rural Canal-- Using Changhua Pa Pao Chun as a Case Study Landscape Change and Meanings of Rural Canal - Using Changhua Pa Pao Chun as a Case Study
水資源是農業發展的根基,水圳的開墾、管理與維修等工事與居民的生活息息相關。人類為了生活,改變自然環境而營造出一個適合居住棲息的場所,也帶來人為景觀的改變,為了農業生產,發展出許多特有的水圳文化。隨著時空變遷,受到沒落的農業生產影響,失去原有的灌溉功能,水圳中隱含的文化價值逐漸消逝。近年來鄉村觀光蔚為風潮,過去擔負生產要素的農村水圳,轉變成為結合人工與自然環境的中介休閒空間,成為農村景觀中獨特的吸引力。 八堡圳為台灣三大古圳之一,自清代開鑿以來經歷過數次轉變,源頭與濁水溪接壤區域與地方社群經過長期以來的互動,建構出豐富的水圳文化。本文以八堡圳源頭地區(彰化縣二水鄉、南投縣名間鄉)為例,從文化景觀的角度切入,利用視覺觀點、認知觀點與經驗觀點進行水圳文化景觀的分析。研究方法採田野調查,收集相關檔案文獻,攝影、測繪紀錄與透過訪談方式收集居民與濁水溪、八堡圳的互動經驗;分析水圳景觀在消失、延續與轉化的文化價值。據此描繪八堡圳源頭之文化景觀圖式,並提出水圳文化景觀經營管理的建議。 研究結果發現八堡圳水圳景觀的時空變遷可大致分為四個時期:1.拓墾時期(1719-1901);2.農業現代化時期(1901-1987);3.農業沒落時期(1987-2002);4.農村觀光與社區發展時期。農業現代化以前水圳與農田的空間變化與自然條件息息相關,受制於自然力的威脅,此階段人類活動對於景觀風貌的變遷影響較小,此時也是水圳文化主要奠基成型的階段。18世紀以後水圳景觀進入現代化時期,從農業經濟的興盛到衰退,再到鄉村觀光的風氣興起等,人類的經濟活動成為影響水圳景觀變遷的主要因素。 本研究認為要倚賴傳統元素來重塑二水鄉獨特的地方感,在傳統文化重現的過程中必須結合當代居民的生活經驗,賦予傳統元素新的價值與意義。藉由實質環境營造與文化意義傳達來達到景觀與居民經驗結合的目的,讓居民除了緬懷過去的回憶之外能創造出新的經驗,提升對自身文化的驕傲與認同。
The water resource is the foundation of the agricultural development. The cultivation, management, and the maintaining of the canals are highly related to the residences’ everyday lives. To survive, human beings change the natural environment to a suitable inhabitance place, but artificially change the surroundings as well. To produce agriculture the characteristics canal culture has been developed. As time goes by, influenced by the decline of agricultural development, the canal has lost its irrigation function and besides its hidden cultural value has fade away. Recently, the country seeing in rural area has been a fashion. The canals in the countryside undertook the production part have changed to a leisure space which combined the handmade and the natural scenery and became the rural countries’ special attraction. Pa-Pao-Chun is one of the three old canals in Taiwan. Since the Chin dynasty the Pa-Pao-Chun excavation had been through lots of changes. The source was contiguous to the Cho Shui River. The long interaction with the local groups has built a rich canals culture there. The article used the source of the Pa-Pao-Chun which covered Ershuei Shiang in Changhua County and Mingjian Shiang in Nantou County as a example. I used the cultural landscape perspective and the visual, cognitive, and experienced points of view to analyze the cultural landscape of canals. The research methods I used are field study, collecting related documents, photographing and mapping records, interviewing the residences in the Cho Shui River and the Pa-Pao-Chun and collecting their interaction experiences. I tried to analyze the canal landscapes’ missing, continuing, and the converting cultural values. According to the above, I will draw the Pa-Pao-Chun source’ cultural landscape pictures and suggest the managing way of the cultural landscape of canals. The study results showed that there were four time periods of the Pa-Pao-Chun’s landscape of canals. First is the period of cultivation during 1719-1901; second is the period of agricultural modernization during 1901-1987; third is the period of agricultural decline during 1987-2002; fourth is the period of countryside sightseeing and community development. Before the age of agricultural modernization, the space change and the natural conditions of the canals and the farmland are highly related and constrained by the threat of natural power. Human activities are less related to the change of landscapes and this stage was the foundation period of the canals’ culture. The landscape of canals has been through the modernization period after the 18th century. From the ups to the downs of agricultural economy and to the rise of the countryside sightseeing, human’s economic activities have been the main factor of the influenced change of the landscape of canals. This study realized that the reconstruction of the Ershuei Shiang’s particular sense of place should depend on the traditional elements. During the process of rebuilding traditional culture should combine the present residences’ living experience and give the traditional elements new value and meaning. To reach the goal of combining the landscape and the residences’ experience by building the substance environment and conveying the cultural meaning, the residences should recall the past memory, create a new experience and promote the pride and identification of their own culture.